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Introducing Wednesday!

Hello Everyone,

Today I would like to introduce you to another beautiful specimen, Wednesday! Wednesday is a Gooty Sapphire (Poecilotheria Metallica). Now, before you jump to the idea that we named her after a certain character from a specific show, there is a story behind this name, and I promise its unrelated. Here's the story, the man was in the other room, and I was looking at our beautiful new creature. I shouted to him, something along the lines of "when does she turn blue" and the man said, "It's Wednesday." The exchange continued with him very committed to the idea that I was asking him what day of the week it was, until I walked into the other room and asked him the question. We had a good laugh and our cute Gooty was named Wednesday! She has a lovely and calm nature, often taking in the heat lamp in the evenings for our enjoyment. She is happy to take crickets from the tongs to the other side of her bark and always brings happiness to me and my man.

Thank you for reading and happy adventuring!

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