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Introducing Starfire!

Hello Everyone,

Today I would like to introduce you to Starfire! She is our Mexican Red Legged Tarantula (Brachypelma Emilia). She was also found at a local pet store in an inadequate enclosure (get it together guys... come on...) because all of the employees were afraid of her. To be afraid of this beautiful girl is a little crazy to me. She is not a fast-moving tarantula, she doesn't throw up threat postures, and she certainly was not huge when we purchase her. Nonetheless that store elected to double cage her, it was sad. She is a quiet animal and fairly gentle with her crickets. She is thick and happy in her new home where she can dig if she wants or hang out in her hide. We love this girl and are so happy that she is in our collection!

Thanks for reading and happy adventuring!

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