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Introducing Rasputin!

Hello Everyone,

Today I want to introduce a very hardy and lovely tarantula, Rasputin! Rasputin is an unfortunate Emerald Skelton (Ephebopus Uatuman) because when we bought her, she was missing two of her eight legs. She has now regrown her legs and is much more active. We named this beautiful girl before we were aware that she was a lady tarantula. She doesn't seem to mind being named after a strong independent Russian who survived cyanide, three gunshot wounds before dying by drowning. It's a rather impressive moral and that's how we felt about our Rasputin. She's been a shy girl since we got her, but who can blame her, she was missing a quarter of her limbs. This girl is going to be one of our first momma tarantulas, and we are going to be so proud of her!

Thanks for reading and happy adventuring!

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