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Introducing Peach!

Hello Everyone,

Today I would like to introduce to you Peach! Peach is our very cute Salmon Pink Bird Eater (Lasiodora Parahybana). Peach was a one inch sling the last time I saw it, but it's been a few months. I would hazard a guess, that unlike Bean, Peach is now three inches. Peach is a very reclusive tarantula at the moment (I hope that changes soon), but we still love that little critter. When we picked up Peach, I thought it was the cutest little tarantula, but you can bet that won't last long. We are looking forward to that tarantula reaching its eleven inches in size! This tarantula took a place in my heart beside Hannibal because it looks very much like that beautiful lady but will be about twice the size of her. Peach is still a growing tarantula, and we look forward to our adventures with this baby.

Thanks for reading and happy adventuring!

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