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Introducing Caboose!

Hello Everyone,

Today I want to introduce to you Caboose! Caboose is a beautiful juvenile Singapore Blue (Omothymus Violaceopes). Caboose is a very shy creature, but from the day we got it, we felt love for it. This fast lanky tarantula gave us a run for our money when we went to rehome it. With lightning speed Caboose ran from its shipping container into its enclosure to never be seen again. This beautiful lowland tarantula can best be described as invisible. It wasn't until we rehomed it due to its unfortunate web placement and poor enclosure design that we finally saw this tarantula again. When we did, we were shocked at the growth rate of this animal. We purchased it as a one-inch sling and after three months Caboose was pushing three inches. Despite this species bad name, for being an old-world tarantula, Caboose was quiet and rather peaceful when we were pulling it from its previous enclosure. Never throwing a threat posture or even attempting to fight back. Now Caboose is happily digging holes in its home and likely will be doing so for another two months before it decides to be a more arboreal animal. We look forward to sharing some photos of this beautiful animal.

Thanks for reading and happy adventuring!

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