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Introducing Bean!

Hello Everyone,

Today I want to introduce to you my favorite tarantula of them all, Bean! Bean is the cutest little critter ever and it's a Chaco Golden Knee (Grammostola Pulchripes). It is the smallest of slings right now and I just love the little guy. I bought Bean and it was such a happy day. When we put that little digging tarantula into its new enclosure Bean put its little booty in the air and strutted all the way across its new home (we won't talk about the fact that this is somehow a defensive posture). Bean has now taken up residence in the corner at the very bottom of its enclosure. Which, if it hadn't been in the corner, we would never know that tarantula was alive. Bean being a Grammostola is a very slow growing creature. It hardly ever comes out to say hello and has blocked off its burrow for most of the time that we have had it. I do know that Bean will dig out when it feels tiny crickets in its enclosure, but he doesn't like to leave its burrow open. In any case, we love Bean, and we are happy to have it in our collection.

Thanks for reading and happy adventuring!

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