Hello Everyone,
Today I want to talk about slings. Slings are baby tarantulas, and they are often cute little fuzzkins. But when they are as tiny as they come, they need some more attentive care. Slings can range in size from a 1/8th of an inch all the way to 2 inches. The smaller the sling the more attention they need. We have some care advisements for anyone who has a new sling that have been beneficial for us.
With our slings when they are small, we either pre-kill crickets for them or feed them fruit flies. Tarantulas will scavenge when they are slings and if you are feeding crickets there is a possibility that they will eat your sling. They are much more susceptible to change which can cause them more issues. I would always watch my very small slings closely, you may not see them, but be sure that they have water available, and that any remaining food is removed to help prevent mold. As they get closer to an inch, they will be less susceptible to suddenly dying (which is always a sad day).
Watch you baby Ts and make sure they are happy. A happy T is a webbing T, keep them happy and you will get some beautiful webbing from your Ts no matter the size.
Thanks for reading and happy adventuring!